Friday 11 November 2016

Personal Decision Making

Many people become perplexed over why they are they way they are, and they try to understand how their minds work. The Bible says that you are not likely to determine that. Proverbs 20:24: "A person's steps are directed by the Lord. How then can anyone understand their own way?" The point in that text seems to be that our lives are following someone else's script. Someone who is able to make things happen to manipulate our experiences. So we vainly try to figure out what is going on.

I'm not saying there is no point in reflecting on your life. I think it is an important exercise. Rather than getting lost in that though, I offer this suggestion: Determine your values and your goals, and get them aligned. There are our ideal values --- the ones we think we'd like to hold. And there are our actual values --- the ones we actually have. Look at the decisions you have made. Look at the goals you have been chasing, and ask yourself why you have done that. That should help inform you of what your values really are. Are they they ones you want? Be clear about the values you want to have, and align your goals with them. If your goals and values are not congruent, you need to change one or the other.

Once you have your values nailed down, your goals should be easy. Choose goals that reflect what you properly hold dear. And THEN GET RID OF EVERYTHING IN LIFE THAT DOESN'T HELP YOU GET TO THOSE GOALS. I am sure some will find this last statement provocative, but I think that if you understand my meaning, you will agree.

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