Wednesday 31 October 2018

Civil War in Europe?

It’s funny.  I mentioned the re-arming of Europe in the last post a week ago, and then I read where the German army is described as fat and useless. Interesting article at that link. It’s about the threat of civil war in Europe. I have long been concerned that there would be a such a calamity (e.g.:
….the demographics seem to almost demand it, at least so far as I can tell. I mean I don’t live in Europe and I may be missing something, but I don’t see how the tension between native Europeans and Muslim immigrants can be easily diffused. I also think that the tension will escalate as pent-up frustration among natural Europeans starts seeking an outlet.

Tuesday 23 October 2018

Europe Re-armed

Several days ago there was an article on the Daily and Sunday Express website quoting the German defense minister, Ursula von der Leyen, as saying that Europe already has the armed forces it needs, and that what remains to develop is a system that informs Europeans when to pull the trigger. Maybe the Trump pressure for Europeans to pay for their defense will induce more effort for Europe to harden and formalize its forces.

Sunday 21 October 2018

"My Stories, My Times" by Jean Chrétien

"My Stories, My Times" by Jean Chrétien comes on sale this week. While I won’t run out to buy it that soon, I am looking forward to reading it. Monsieur Chrétien always impressed me as a down to earth gentleman who dealt fairly and even-handedly. I view him as perhaps the most politically savvy Canadian PM during my lifetime. He served his country for decades, having started on that road with the help of his parents. His dad chose his career and his mother chose his wife. I wonder if they did that for the other couple of hundred of his siblings. I jest of course, but it was a big traditional Quebec family.

 Remarkably, the Forward has been written by Joe Clark at Chrétien’s invitation. For Americans reading this blog --- and that does seem to be the larger part of the readership --- that would be like Donald Trump writing his memoirs and asking Hillary to write the Forward.