Wednesday 20 March 2019

2019 Federal Budget: SR&ED

The 2019 Federal Budget, 464 pages long, contains one significant change to SRED rules. The erosion of the annual expenditure limit on account of the previous year’s taxable income exceeding $500k will cease. The change applies to taxation years ending now and later.

Sunday 17 March 2019

St. Patrick's Day

I just realized a few minutes ago that it is March17th today. I love Ireland. To me there are two parts to Ireland: Dublin and Not-Dublin.  I prefer Not-Dublin. The pedestrians in Dublin power walk everywhere...they make me feel old and Irish music makes me homesick, even if I'm not Irish.

Thursday 14 March 2019

Share and Share Alike

I noticed that late last year (yes, I don’t always pick up on things right away), Olaf Scholz, German Finance Minister suggested that France give its UN Security Council seat to the EU…..a suggestion at which France quickly hooted.

The French response underlines what I have written here before: Europeans are nationals of their own nations. They typically do not see themselves foremost as European. It would be very hard to find anyone willing to die for the EU so far as I can tell, but I expect many Frenchmen would be willing to die for France and man Germans for Germany. The EU is too artificial of a construct to have much traction with people’s loyalties, and for that reason, I expect it is doomed.