Wednesday 3 January 2018

Back to Life

My apologies to readers for the dearth of postings here lately. I’ve been sick with a flu type thing…..since last year!  Sick enough that I didn’t much care about anything except sleeping. Yup….love that sleep. My indifference started dissipating last night, and this morning I was awakened by a voice from my past. All in my head….a dream I guess…but it was real enough that when I heard him speak it woke me up. I found that I was awakening with a welcome and refreshing lack of apathy. I can understand how it is that some sick people just give up the fight. To keep fighting, you’ve got to want to win. As for me, I quit wanting that. But my orneriness has started to seep back into my veins now, and I am glad. Those around me are also. They were wearying of this dying corpse.

Not so dying as I was early last year when I was seriously ill. Actually, that same voice that woke me up was the voice of someone I thought would care when, several months ago, I informed him of how things were then with me. The total silence showed the excessiveness of my optimism. It also showed me that we are not betrayed by our avowed enemies.

It’s a good thing that I have been completely unmotivated when sick. I don’t think straight when I am like that, and no doubt lack wisdom at such times. My apathy keeps me from doing stupid things when I am least equipped to make sound decisions.

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