Friday 27 October 2017

Squeezed Out

My apologies for the delay in posting new blog material. It’s been a busy week. I had something happen that I had not experienced before. I was in the waiting area at my departure gate in an airport terminal and I noticed two really big guys waiting. They were not together. One was super big.  I mean like Haystacks Calhoun. You younger readers can google that name. He was a super-heavyweight wrestler from my boyhood. The second guy wasn’t so big…maybe only 500 pounds. Sort of like King Kong Bundy. The flight was a Westjet commuter flight…a Bombardier Q400. Two seats on either side of the aisle, including the “Plus” section, indistinguishable from the minus section except for the mini slip covers over the top of the seat.  I don’t know that I have ever been on a Bombardier plane that had comfortable seating. Maybe, but I doubt it. 

I wondered how it was going to work out for the passenger adjacent to each of these guys.  I was soon to find out.  It turned out that King Kong had the window seat next to my aisle one.  Well, not quite accurate. He had the window seat and more. I won’t go into the difficulties of trying to avoid getting a ribhead twisted in that situation. I am not complaining; just explaining. I am glad for the experience. It enlarged my understanding. And No, that wasn’t a pun.

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