Thursday 9 November 2017

Some Thoughts on Europe

I usually wake up in the middle of the night, sometimes quite refreshed after only 4 hours sleep. Then I try to return to sleep by listening to talk radio or YouTube tracks that would normally lull me to sleep in the evening, only to find that they engage my attention. Eventually I decide to stop wasting time and come to my desk. So here I am right now while the city sleeps.

Austria had an election recently. The new Chancellor is barely 31 years old. Must be a bright kid with connections. He is the people’s answer to the Muslim issue. People want to feel safe again.

The EU is putting pressure on nations such as Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic to embrace the reckless immigration policy.  To me, this is industrialists looking for cheap labor. Their rarified neighborhoods aren’t affected of course.

I suspect that the EU will lose its war against its own states. The EU is not the nation it tries to be. When Hungarians spit at the mention of Romania and when Macron meeting Merkel is not a meeting of provinces, but a meeting of sovereign states, there is not nation of Europe. A nation shares a fate.  Europe does not.

The EU is an outgrowth of an American idea, by the way. It was a condition of the Marshall Plan that a union of sorts be formed. Hence the European Coal and Steel Community that became the Common Market, antecedent to the EU.

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