Thursday 22 December 2016

Weird World

Some people, perhaps for fun or maybe from a sense of duty, walk their dogs.  Some may even like doing that.  Apparently some walk their cats. I saw one today.  Not sure that he enjoyed doing it though.  When I saw the man and cat, Fat Cat was lying on the sidewalk with his Garfield type belly sprawled out in the sun, and his leash extended loosely from his neck to the man’s hand.  Kitty wasn’t going anywhere.  

I don’t get the advantage to leashing a cat. It’s not like they prefer the discipline of walking a straight line. Maybe it is so that Fat Cat doesn’t become Flat Cat out in the street. Or maybe the guy is just a loon. One more weirdo. A weirdo, by the way, is a person that does things differently than me. Or believes differently.

For example, a lot of weirdos think that we are real when we are just holographic characters in a holographic universe --- a projection of a real person’s mind ---- someone’s daydream.

There are a lot of weirdos that think that finding fragments of bone found in geological strata, which are dated according to the fossil finds, proves how old they are, when a few thousand years ago the hologram was started up with an apparent past already built into it.

Let’s not forget those weirdos who think that prosperity is generated by government policy, nor those weirdos that like playing baseball. Yeah, the world is a really whacko place. All part of the hologram’s storyline.


  1. If you could only hear yourself... ;)

  2. I almost can. Only my tongue in my cheek distracts me.
