Tuesday 10 September 2019

Just Ask and Don't Get Bent out of Shape at the Answer

In the post at https://gordon-feil-theology.blogspot.com/2019/09/producing-happiness.html, we discussed why we should aim for happiness. Our suffering comes from our rejection of our here and now. This rejection is characterized by emotions that don’t feel pleasant: boredom, anger, frustration, despair, and so on --- emotions that we feel when we do not like what’s going on. These are painful emotions. And they often distract us from doing the wise thing. Or they sap the energy we would otherwise have for doing the loving thing. Or, as in the case of anger, they unleash energy that often is then channeled into doing the harmful thing. The posting at https://gordon-feil-theology.blogspot.com/2019/09/asking-for-salt-shouldnt-be-big-deal.html examines whether we can reprogram our responses to life so that we are not caught in the trap of focusing on security, pleasure and power.

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