Monday 24 June 2019

Easy to Fix YOU

I was thinking about how shy I was when I was young. Now I can talk to people easily. I am at ease discussing a mechanical problem with someone who routinely works with his hands, and I am comfortable discussing philosophy with an intellectual. Funny thing is that although I can easily talk to people, you put me in a room with all of them together, and I want to leave. I am out of place and I am pretty silent. 

Maybe that’s from being a lifelong introvert. It doesn’t mean I don’t like people. It means I like one or a few at a time. I like to be able to get beneath the surface. How people think and what is on their minds is interesting to me. I like solving their problems. Often I have been chided, and not just by women, for not just listening --- for having to fix everything. It has never sunk in. Why wouldn’t you want your problem fixed?? Why wallow in cosmic sorrow when you can get out of it? 

Funny how I can fix other people’s problems so much easier than my own. And yet, that is predictable. We read in Proverbs 20:24 “How then can a man understand his way.” So much easier to get the picture when seeing in than when being in.

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