Monday 21 August 2017

Time Running Out....

It looks to me like there is a race on now in North Korea. Kim Jong-il doesn’t have fully operational guided bombs yet. He has missiles and he may have weapons that can be attached, but it appears that the delivery system is not yet armed. It seems that Korea is developing a submarine delivery system. That would put much more of the USA within range of a North Korean nuclear strike.

Don’t be fooled by the lapse in excitement in the press over what is going on there. Yes, it did get tense when the Koreans mentioned that Guam could be a good target and Trump mentioned “fire and fury”, and the distraction of other events can lull a person into thinking things have calmed down. It is not logical that they have.

Once North Korea announces that it has a deliverable way of destroying a major USA city, it is too late to attack them. It will be “We are now a nuclear power….YOUR move…” What move could there be for the Americans then?  Try to take out the missiles and find that they missed one, which then is fired at Los Angeles? Who’s willing to take that chance?  I think the Great Leader knows this. And I think he also thinks that the U.S. does not have the resolve to do anything about him before then, but just in case, he has his people working hard to build their nuclear deterrent. The window for attacking North Korea is only open a bit longer. The USA surely must realize this.

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