Saturday 1 April 2017

The Man Vs. Iran

We recently discussed the suggestion that the Trump travel ban on seven countries is part of a war plan ( There is more than that to suggest that war is on someone’s mind.
Iran has abandoned the dollar.
Then, Flynn, the National Security Advisor to President Trump, and who has been characterized as a “rabid anti-Iran warmonger,” straight away put Iran “on notice.”
It seems like a rerun of history. Some of you reading this may recall the 1964 Gulf of Tonkin incident or the 1898 Maine case. The Maine was a boat that was involved in an event that gave the USA “justification” to declare war on Spain.
Currently we have a similar instance. In Yemen is a religious-political movement known as Houthis.  Some Houthi rebels attacked a Saudi naval vessel. To the USA, this was Iran attacking a U.S. Navy boat, and THAT is justification for war, ain’t it y’all?
Gotta have those wars. Keep the public’s “mind” off the Administration’s other nonsense.

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