Friday 21 April 2017

I apologize

My apologies for the 3 week lapse in posts to this blog. I got very ill: pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, and flu.  All at the same time. I could say that it reminded me that I was human but, frankly, I didn’t care. And my wife might disagree with this attribution of humanity. I am not a good patient and apparently can be quite inhuman.

I am at least 80% over the symptomatology, and improving.

One thing to be learned from an illness like this is how suddenly things can change. I have often perplexed at strong people quickly falling ill and dying without an extended decline. Weak ones I understand. I refer to immune systems, of course, and not muscle capacity. I tend to judge other people’s immunity (and my own) on the basis of how often they are ill. Maybe that’s a very rough way to measure that since part of illness may be attributed to the psyche. The corporis is affected by the animus. So maybe the ones I think are strong are not as strong as I think.

Another thing I have learned is that sometimes people I think might care actually do not, and some who normally say little suddenly reveal the depth of their caring. Illness can be a sifting of the wheat from the chaff in the field of friendship…..a delineation of honesty from hypocrisy.

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