Monday 2 October 2023

Bill Gates Distancing Himself from Climate Activism


I have always been suspicious of climate activism, and I see that now, Bill Gates, who seemed to be a convert, is now backing away. (See

I am glad to see it. Climate models don’t even backtest correctly, so what is their utility as predictive tools? There are just too many variables and not enough computing power for there to be reliably effective predictive climate software. 

How many decades has it been since climate alarmists first warned us that the world is done for in 10 years? And they have been consistent in that warning decade after decade.  Unhappily, their errors have been politicized and weaponized by elected scoundrels who arrogantly think they know how to fix this fake issue. Yes, climate is changing, as it always has, but there is nothing man can do to stop it. The appropriate response is to adapt rather than to misallocate resources, thereby impoverishing people, to in a pointless and harmful effort to fix the unfixable.

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