Wednesday 13 April 2022

The Fundamental Flaw of the Federal Budget


Last week our Finance Minister presented her rather out-of-touch budget. She prefaced it by telling us (with no less than a straight face) that the inflation we have been experiencing is the result of supply chain issues, covid, and the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Folks, when mailboxes disgorge an avalanche of free money across the land for a couple of years during which production of goods and services is falling, what could happen to prices other than that they go up? If you give people money when there is less to buy, prices will rise. If you take away money while production is going up, prices can’t help but fall (unless there are huge investments that are liquidated, which people generally don’t have and don’t do). The fact that our Finance Minister is either unacquainted with such basic facts of economics, or knows them but wants to deceive us into thinking something else, is disconcerting. She either lacks information or she lacks integrity.  Given the track record and almost amazing mediocrity of her ethically challenged boss, I suspect integrity is the issue. We have government by corruption.

I guess I better spend anything I have so that the dictatorship can’t seize it, and so they can blame any consequential price inflation on the Russians and germs. In the meantime, let’s hope that a Poilievre-led government is given the chance to fix the mess and that they don’t blow it like the incumbent.

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