Tuesday 21 December 2021

Being Nostalgic for What We Have Never Known

There is a gal, Mary Hines, who has for quite some years had a program on CBC Radio One called Tapestry. The program is essentially about spirituality. Yesterday, I heard part of an episode in which Ms. Hines was interviewing a musicologist who addressed the question of why people who have never heard sleigh bells in real life become nostalgic when they hear a Christmas carol about sleigh bells. The question caught my attention because I used to hear Celtic music and become homesick for Ireland. Why is that similar? Because I have never lived in Ireland. I am predominantly of German and French genetics, although a maternal great-grandmother was of Irish descent. I think there was also a paternal great-grandmother of Polish descent, but maybe the story was confused by the fact that there were many Germans living in what is, in modern times, Poland.  

I have only been to Ireland once, and it was a special time --- the people, the food, the hotels, the challenging roads, the green, green and more green. I quite enjoyed the entire trip. It was on that trip that I learned that there are essentially two Irelands --- Dublin and not-Dublin. Dublin is characterized by pedestrians being in a hurry. Wow, but those people walk quickly! The power walking public. Prior to being in Dublin, I thought I was a fast walker, but it turned out that I had nothing on Dubliners.

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