Thursday 9 July 2020

When BIden Trumps Trump

The U.S. November election gets closer with each passing day, and it does not appear that Donald Trump has much time to turn around public sympathy. He is low in the polls and he seems directionless and unable to show leadership at a time when a leader with clear direction is needed. Instead, he complains and blames. The country needs a leader who follows the advice biblical Paul recorded in Philippians 4:8 --- a leader that draws people’s attention to excellence and whatever is praiseworthy. At a time when morale is low and people are hurting, Trump should be pointing people towards hope and the good that still happens. Even Democrats do good things sometimes, and what a refreshment it would be if Trump celebrated these things.

I think Trump’s presidency is almost done, and after the election, it will be Biden who has won. I suspect that the stock and bond markets have yet to factor in Biden’s plans for big spending and loftier taxes. I am pretty sure the markets have not considered Biden's declining cognition. When the realization dawns, I suspect the bear market rally will be over. 1930, here we come.

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