Tuesday 26 May 2020

William Lane Craig is a Formidable Debater

On YouTube, there are numerous recordings of debates between Christians and atheists. The topic is not always whether God exists. I recently listened to one such debate over the issue of whether it is reasonable to be a Christian. It is found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdEvXK91B58. The proponent for the reasonableness of a Christian belief was William Lane Craig. Admittedly, he has a tendency to taint the outcome because he is that good of a debater. He knows what he believes and why he believes it, doing a commendable job of defending the hope that is in him, as I Peter 3:15 says. Nonetheless, his opponent was smart, articulate, and easy on the ears.

The debate was in the style of each person stating his case, followed by a rebuttal by each and then another rebuttal by each. After that, there was a conversation between the two of them --- a give and take that could have become a free-for-all, but which was undertaken with dignity and courtesy by both guys. Then came the question and answer session in which audience members posed questions, each question then being addressed by both debaters.

Throughout the initial comments and subsequent rebuttals, it seemed to me that the points were going to whoever had spoken last. Where the outcome tilted, in my opinion, was in the free exchange. Dr. Craig’s opponent lacked answers. My advice: skip through the debate to that part of it and then listen closely.

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