Thursday 19 March 2020

Thoughts About the Corona Virus Epidemic

I went for a walk yesterday in a local in-city wilderness preserve. It’s a trail that meanders around a lake, but has moderate ups and downs. It has some rough surfaces that made it surprising to see strollers with moms and dads and kids out for a walk. It looked like a national holiday. I noticed that the dads generally did not appear glad to be there. One of the advantages of the corona virus induced shutdown is the increased family togetherness. I think people feel the stress and uncertainty of the future. The fear of the unknown is a bigger problem now than the virus itself. That may change though.

In some nations, Italy being an example, physicians are having to make the tough choices associated with limited equipment such as ventilators. If a 20 year old with severe breathing problems needs the ventilator being used by a 75 year old, the switch is being made, perhaps not in every such instance, but it happens. It must be an agonizing decision and action for a physician when one is likely to die without the ventilator. Aside from such pain, our health care workers are facing increased risk of contracting the corona virus, and many have.  They deserve our gratitude and respect.

The choice described above brings up the question of which life is worth more --- the life of a baby, or the life of an old person who has contributed a great deal to society and continues to enrich other people’s lives. The question is too vague. Worth more to whom? Each person’s life is worth more to himself and his family. So let’s say the “whom” is humanity at large. It’s a hard decision…….if you are a thinking person. We don’t know what the baby will do, but we do know that the track record of the oldster suggests more good to come. It’s not a choice I would want to make.  

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