Wednesday 8 May 2019

Living in the Moment

It seems to me that people have a hard time living in the moment. For the moment? No problem. But in the moment? That’s more elusive. We are always striving for something else. We are conative beings. Here’s what we do. We go to play school to get ready for kindergarten. Then we go to kindergarten to get ready for grade school. Each year of grade school is to enable us for what comes ahead, presumably university or technical/trade school. We go through those post-secondary schools to get ready for a J-O-B. The job is to enable us to reach retirement ---- the end goal? Well, we get to retirement and a lot of things are no longer working….we don’t have the energy we once did.
If you do not know how to live in the moment, you will always be struggling for something that you will not enjoy when it arrives. If you can’t enjoy the present, you won’t enjoy the future when it becomes the present. We need to learn that we always have enough right here and right now to be happy, and we need to notice what we have, be grateful for it, and enjoy it. That requires practice, and it requires a change in attitude.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Very good advice! And you're spot on about the distinction between living FOR and IN the moment - BIG difference!
