Sunday 11 March 2018

I Scream for Ice Cream

I do not eat much ice cream now. There was a time when I would often go to McDonald’s to order a white or brown virtual milkshake. The red ones didn’t appeal to me. Eventually the more sophisticated tastes of my childhood reminded me of my love of hard ice cream.

After a few busy weeks of researching, writing, working on deals, and bossing people around, I had a treat yesterday. I took my mother-in-law for ice cream at a local purveyor of 48 flavors, Mr. Tubb’s. The ice cream isn’t as creamy as I would like, but the flavors are convincing. I don’t often have ice cream, much though I love it, and each time I do, I wonder what flavor I will choose, but it seems like I always elect Maple Walnut. I scan the tubs of ice cream and their matching labels, my taste buds locked in debate about the impending choice, and as soon as I spy the maple walnut, the Supreme Taste Bud Court issues its immediate verdict. Maple walnut hooks me every time.

I first encountered maple walnut ice cream in my late prepubescence …..maybe at 11 or 12. It was one of a few flavors I enjoyed. Ah, who am I kidding? I liked pretty much all flavors then. I was very democratic about it. Yet, sometime in the past decade or so, my fond memories of maple walnut surfaced and have refused to sink again.

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