Saturday 23 September 2017

Terminal Trumpitis

President Trump is burning bridges on all sides. He seems to  serially abandon his allies. It’s hard to see him having any friends left. It will be his undoing. He came into office with so many enemies --- the “deep state”, the media, and Obama loyalists. If he doesn’t have brains, he needs friends. He needs them even if he is smart (a big hypothetical).  

Like other presidents before him, Trump has focused attention upon a military conflict. And does he ever know how to draw attention to it! He’ll destroy North Korea he says. Funny thing: I notice that even detractors are saying that the substance of that U.N. speech was solid…it reflects U.S. policy and it is a valid stance….but they claim that he said the wrong thing in the wrong place at the wrong time. It’s alright to want to destroy North Korea, but just don’t tell anyone.  Yet that isn’t how the USA goes to war. They always telegraph the upcoming action. No surprise wars.

Trump is now claiming that China is becoming compliant with the U.S. policy of financially blockading North Korea, and I expect that China is doing so in order to try to reduce the tension. China stands to be hurt by a USA/N. Korea war. In my estimate, the window is soon closing though. Either USA attacks soon, or they don’t attack. Once the Koreans have a functioning nuclear arsenal it’s too late to take it out because an attack would be met by a general launch and only one missile getting through the defenses would be enough to destroy a significant American city.

I suspect Trump will back down from war, just like the Koreans expect, and that his enemies will derail him from the White House. It will be the Nixon Memorial Exit for Mr. Trump.

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